Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Hands

Well tomarrow is our auction.  After 12 years on our own, we have decided to sell the cows.  It has not been all bad, I guess I have learned alot.  Yesterday an old farmer stopped by to look at one of our tractors.  "Missy, your hands show alot of work, looks like you have put your heart and soul into this place".

These are the hands that signed the papers for loans to purchase cattle, machinery, seed, fertilizer.  These are the hands that have signed 7 birth certificates.  These are the hands that have signed one marriage license and one divorce decree.

These hands have milked hundreds of cows, washed hundreds of dishes and wiped hundreds of tears away from crying children.

These are the hands that have worked very hard.

These hands are the hands that had to sign the papers to have one of her best friends taken off life support.

These hands have been through some tough times and some good times.  

Two weeks ago these hands signed the auction agreement with an auctioneer to sell the cows. 

I am sitting here watching the sale tents go up, the auction will be tomarrow.  These hands will milk the cows tonight for the last time.

Talk later,



J Vacanti said...

I tried to read this to Sam but couldn't because I started crying so hard. Not because I am sad but because I am so proud to have a friend like you.

threecollie said...

We will be thinking of you, as we have all week...wish we could be there...

mishelby said...

My friend, Annie... and Tim and family,
I try really hard to find the right words each day to cope. Something I read yesterday was about taking your sad saga in life, and trying to re-write it, so that you are the heroes of that story... that the reasons are for a better purpose. I haven't figured it all out either, I just know that you are truly great people who deserve a break. Love ya, Shell

Bryan Gotham said...

I am a dairy farmers in Northern NY. I was very touched by your poem and I posted it on Facebook. I am so sorry that you have to move on it is the chaotic supply management system that we have today. It destroys families and lives so everyone else in the dairy food chain profits. I have and am having hard times myself hopefully we can make it long enough so maybe we could benefit from the change that is coming. Good luck and look me up on facebook.
Bryan Gotham

Along the Picket Fence said...

You are AMAZING my dear friend :)