Thursday, February 3, 2011

What the hell is a "muffin top" anyway?

OK, I will admit it, I have no idea what the heck is going on with clothes these days.  I am still stuck in the 80's, which is OK because I think the clothes are coming back in style.

The other day, I was discussing "jeans" with Karen and she tried to educate me, the poor kid.

"Why in the hell do all my sweaters look so short?"
was my first question.

She lit up a cigarette and looked at me with that "do I hurt my mom's feelings" look.

"OK Mom, the sweaters you are wearing are from the 80's and they are really short, you are wearing them with jeans I gave you which are from the 2 thousands.  The jeans you wore used to go up to your boobs and so the sweaters were short.  Now the jeans are low like they should be and so the sweaters are longer."

I sat there in silence.

"Oh", was my answer.

"And now Mom, everything is stretchy so your muffin top doesn't have to hang over your pants".

"Oh", was my answer.

"Just what in the hell is a muffin top?", I asked trying not to look like I was from another planet.

"For God's sake Mom, it's the fat that hangs over your pants when you wear them too tight".

"Like a cupcake?", was my reply.

"Whatever you want to use for the visual, Mom."

I spent the rest of the morning looking for a measuring tape so I can measure the length of my sweaters and width of my "muffin/cupcake top".

Talk later,


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