Sunday, February 21, 2010

those duck and cover drills

OK you will only understand this if you went to school during the "cold war"  I have the definition of it.he Cold War is the name given to the relationship that developed primarily between the USA and the USSR after World War Two. The Cold War was to dominate international affairs for decades and many major crises occurred - the Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam, Hungary and the Berlin Wall being just some. For many the growth in weapons of mass destruction was the most worrying issue.

I found it on the internet, really didnt even know what the heck it was.  We had to do these fire drills in our classrooms that were so dumb it was ridiculous when I think about it.

From kindergarten up until about 5th grade we had to duck and cover under our desks and after that it was out in the  hallway against our lockers.

I remember wondering why in the hell we were under there.  I asked once and the reply i got was "that is not for  you to ask Anne".

Wow, if that wasn't a great answer.  I asked our 5th grade teacher why she wasn't under her desk and that got me a free pass to the office.  Our teacher weighed about 300 pounds, it would have had to have been one hell of a BIG desk for her to croutch under it.

I often wonder if they really thought we would survive an attack.  Would our desks protect us from a nuclear bomb, or were we simply put under there so when we all croaked, they could put the numbers on our dead little toes easier.


I am told they stopped around 1985.  It is different from school to school, state to state.  

You have to wonder about this crap sometimes.  We never asked, just got under there.  If they would have told us to jump off the Springville high level bridge, we would have.  I would have asked why, and probably would have been spared because I would have been in the principal's office.

Makes a person wonder.

Talk later,


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