Friday, September 17, 2010

Annie for Mayor

OK, so I am canning like crazy this year.  I needed canning jars, found 6 boxes for free, went to get them and they are sitting in the middle of the kitchen.

Dryer crapped out.  Got one yesterday. It is sitting on the front steps waiting for someone to trip over the vent hose and hook it up.

I had to buy the washer with it.  Washer sits on the front porch.

I needed apples to can into applesauce.  5 bags of apples sit in the middle of the kitchen surrounded by 6 boxes of empty canning jars.

3 cabinets are sitting on the front porch  waiting patiently to come into the kitchen to house my baking supplies.  Big cabinets.  Real big cabinets.

10 bags of clothes are also patiently waiting to be sorted through that were given to me for school.

I still am trying to understand the concept of "bored".  I am still trying to figure out how in the hell the people in Buffalo have time to shoot each other.  I think they need some canning jars to sort and apples to peel.

 If those guys are such good shots with a gun maybe they should be in the military.

Think I might run for Mayor this year.

Guys in the holding center are just sitting there with nothing to do.  Bet they would just love to have the opportunity to get some fresh air, mow my lawn, pick  my 1 million pumpkins and help me sort through clothes.

Gotta go, Mayor Brown is on the phone.  Mr. Paladino is on hold.

Life is good,

Talk later,


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