Wednesday, September 15, 2010

ok Annie, why is someone is Missouri asking about Wheezer's lost beaver?

At our morning coffee this morning my brother in law asks me "OK, why in the hell is someone in Missouri asking about Wheezer's lost beaver?", and how in the hell did they know Izzy missed the bus?"

I sat there for a minute.

"I am going to be famous someday", was my reply.


"Oh, I am writing stories about what goes on around here and people read it.  I am going to have it published and retire early".

Silence in the kitchen

"Oh yeah?"


No reply

"Annie we are out of coffee, can you please make another pot?"

"Yeah, whatever".

Erma Bombeck wrote a ton of books, Bill Cosby had some funny crap to read. For God's sake even Loretta Lynn has written a few books.

I will show them.

Gotta go.

Walmart is having a sale on printer ink.  I will need alot of it.

Talk later,


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