Wednesday, September 15, 2010

school pictures

OK, so the kids get off the bus yesterday waving that famous paper.

You know the paper.

School pictures.

I went to the phone and called the bank.

"I need another loan, I just got the school picture form".

"Anne, we just remortgaged your house for school supplies, you are not eligible for another loan until next year."

I hung up the phone.

Maybe they will take pumpkins in trade for pictures?

Don't get me wrong.  I love those school pictures.  I just think that 57 dollars is a bit steep.

I hardly think my mother paid 57 dollars.

I can remember as a kid getting those pictures and cutting them apart and sharing them with all my friends and mailing them to my Grandpa in Arizona. 

When my gramps passed away I saw one of those pictures in his stuff.

I still have some of those pictures from elementary school.

I am just sitting here drinking my coffee trying to imagine my mother paying 57 dollars for school pictures.  We had four kids.

I now totally understand why my Dad wasn't always as excited as we were about some things.

I am sitting here with that same look on my face my Dad had on his 30 years ago.

The only difference is I don't have sideburns.

Talk later,


1 comment:

Faithful said...

I agree, school supplies will put you in the poor house.. but after your kids grow up you'll get your monies worth with buying those school pictures! You can sit, with your beer..pull those old pics out and have a grand time laughing and remembering what funny looking kids you I do! ;)