Monday, November 9, 2009

manly men

There are alot of things in life that I don't understand. Things men "won't do" is probably at the top of that list.

I don't understand the thinking behind the things they won't do.

Contrary to popular belief, if you stick your hands in the sink and do the dishes, you won't turn "gay".

If you hold your wife's purse while she goes to the bathroom in one of those awful port a potties, you won't be thought of as a "cross dresser".

If you ask directions when you are lost, they won't think you just escaped from Attica and are on "the lamb".

Last but not least :::::: If you buy Kotex pads or tampons for your wife, you will not be taped by the 10:00 news or have your face on the front cover of the Springville Journal. I highly doubt with all the stuff going on in the world that The Editor at the Journal has a reporter on the scene at Springville Walmart just waiting for someone to go to the register and purchase "sanitary napkins". I doubt very highly they are just waiting to "snap" your photo at the check out so they can print it on the front page.

Maybe when they are little boys their Dads give them advice like the advice we got when we were little girls, you know the advice like "don't kiss a boy or you will get pregnant". Now that is great advice. Oh yeah, whatever.

Do they take these little boys out behind a tree or behind the barn and say "Now little Joey, don't ever wash dishes or you will turn gay and you will not be able to join the armed forces.

For God's sake where in the hell does this crap come from?

Talk later


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