Thursday, December 31, 2009

when did i turn into my mom?

Yesterday it was cold. Really cold. I go out to the barn at 5:00 so it's really cold when I go out. Really cold.

I usually tie a scarf around my head, NOT under my chin like a little old polish lady, I tie it in a stylish manner, up and around my forehead, I am a "cool" mom.

Yesterday it was so cold I tied it under my chin, just like my Mom used to. Oh My God did I say that? I have turned into my mom!!

When the hell did that happen? My motto used to be "The party's here!" You would find me kicking in people's doors with a case of beer under one arm and a bottle of Captain Morgan's in the other.

Now I kick in the door on my kids bedroom with a pile of laundry in my hands yelling "Party's over guys! get moving!".

I swore I would never be like Mom.

I would Never burn Tupperware on the stove.

I would Never wear out of date clothes.

I would Never lose my dustpan because I left it in the garbage can.

I would never drive old crappy cars.

Well folks, I have turned into Mom.

Don't get me wrong, I still like to yell "The party's here!" once in a while just for fun.

The cows just look up at me and grin.

Talk later,


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