Sunday, January 24, 2010

Annie's not very funny this morning

OK guys I guess I'm not very funny today, I have to show you all an article that breaks my heart. There was a dairy farmer who shot his cows and then turned the gun on himself. I don't know the guy, never heard of him, don't know his situation.

My mom told me to try to get on the front of the paper so people could see the situation. This guy made the national news. Is this what someone has to do to be heard?

All I know is that the situation with agriculture here in this country is in bad shape. I realize Mr Obama feels a real need to help Haiti, but I think maybe he should look at his own country. It's nice to help out other people, but maybe we should make sure we are all taken care of first. I know this is going to upset some people.

For the past year the dairy farmers have had to operate their farms with half the money as usual. The price they have gotten paid for the milk dropped like a rock. How would you like to go to work everyday for half of your wages.

The cows are now worth half as much as they were, so their equity is cut in half. Now the banks won't lend you money to put in your crops, so you start selling things to pay bills.

Alot of them got in trouble for selling things without letting the banks know about it because these things were on a lien. What in the hell were they supposed to do?

Some have gone out of business, most have stayed in business. They can't afford to sell out because their cattle arent worth much. They wouldn't be able to pay off their outstanding loans.

Many have filed chapter 12 bankruptcy.

How would you like to work 7 days a week, and open up your check that you get once a month and find a zero on the bottom of it because you have your bank loans taken out of it. How would you buy groceries? How would you buy Christmas gifts? How would you like it if that went on for 5 months?

How would you like it if you didn't have hot water for 6 months?

How would you like it if you went to apply for Food Stamps and Medicaid, only to be denied because you don't have your taxes done because you owe your book keeper too much money while welfare people sitting next to you are talking on their cell phones. How much money do they owe their book keepers?

How would you like to have a birthday party for your daughter with no hot water and have two people drive in your driveway collecting money.

Welcome to my world, I guess it's not very funny is it?

Try telling your kids they can't buy books from the school book orders. Try to pay brownie dues. try to buy school supplies, easter candy, valentines cards, let alone food.

I am very lucky. I was born with a sense of humor. I will survive.

This guy did not.

I am not telling you this to whine. I am telling you this to wake up this country. Without food we will all die.

Think about that.

When is the last time you went without food? What if their were not farmers left? What would you eat? Your car? Your plasma TV?

I have to go milk the cows now.

Tomarrow I will be funny again .

I promise.

Talk later,

1 comment:

Sam said...

Our "leaders" in govermnment AND the private sector do not give a damn about the working class. "elected" officials do no more than take money from lobbyists representing huge monetary intrests and are only concerned with their agendas. They are all bought and paid for, both sides. They kind of need to take heed of one fact, if they keep allowing giant corporations to take advantage of working stiffs, and then not put any regulations in place to protect these working stiffs , then eventually there are no more working stiffs to take advantage of. Hey Annie, if you milk a cow 20 times a day, does he give anymore milk? ...I would guess the answer is no, you just kill it.