Thursday, January 14, 2010


I have noticed that the new word of the century is "issues". We never used this word in the olden days. We used the word problems, followed by what in the hell the "problem" was.

Now we use the term "issues" and never say what in the hell the "issues" are.

For example. My daughter called and said her girlfriend has "issues". Just what those issues are I have no idea. I guess the girl is nuts.

Here is what I have come up over the past year to solve this issue thing.

Ok when you look at a truck and the guy selling it says it has "issues" what he means is that it has no brakes and the heater doesn't work.

When your girlfriend calls and says she broke up with her boyfriend because he has "issues", it means he was wearing her underwear.

When you go to look at a house for sale and they tell you it has "issues", what they mean is it needs a new well and the furnace is broken.

When you go to buy a cow and they tell you she has "issues", they mean she kicks like hell.

When you go to rent a farm and they tell you it has "issues", it means the land is so damn wet you will never get the crops off.

Talk later,


1 comment:

J Vacanti said...

Ok, I have and issue with this post!