Saturday, January 2, 2010


I think I am the only person in America without a tatoo. I was in Walmart the other day and there was a kid in line ahead of me. He was with a whole bunch of "kids". Teenagers I guess you could call them for lack of a better term. Every one of them had a tatoo. This particular kid had one on his neck. Actually MANY on his neck. I thought I saw "WTF" on his neck.

"There is no way anyone would tatoo wtf on there neck" I thought to myself. I moved in for a closer look. I tried to act like I wasn't staring at him. It was hard. He had tatoo of barbed wire around his neck and sure enough it was wtf on there. Now if I was an employer hiring for a position, he sure would be my first choice. Maybe people greeter at Walmart? You have got to be kidding me. For those of you who don't know what it stands for, ask your kids. It does not stand for "In God We Trust" that's for sure.

I drove home and thought if I were to lose my mind, what would I have tatooed on my body.

Then it came to me. Being from a farm background here is what I came up with.

I would have a Holstein cow tatooed on my boob and charge the Holstein Association for the ad, then I would put "Got Milk" on the other one and charge the Dairy Association for that one. On my butt I would put "Pork, the other white meat", then charge the Pork association accordingly. I would then have one put on my stomach, "Beef, it's what's for dinner". The Beef association would happily pay me for that one.

Last but not least I would have
com written on the small of my back
so everytime I bend over people can read my blog address.

Never pass up a chance for free advertisement!!

Talk later,



J Vacanti said...

Wouldn't all the stretchmarks distort the tatoos?

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

Hey, that's a brilliant idea. But what if your sponsors stopped paying their rental fees? The Dairy association might go talking to the Holstein Association and say "Hey it's not like this lady will remove her tattoos? Why pay for the cow, when you can have the 'Got Milk' for free?"

Anonymous said...

So being someone that has many tattoos, it seems to me that you have a problem with people with tattoos. WTF?


Anonymous said...

o ma you yelled at me for my tattoo too until i said your name is going in it so you cant say u hate all tattoos lol <3 Karen