Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The blog

My oldest daughter called the other day. "Mom how in the heck are you doing that blog thing?, you can barely turn on your computer?"

"Don't know, Karen".

Here is what I do.

I have absolutely no idea what I am doing.

I read blogs for fun because I have no life. If I see something cool I like on a blog, I google it, youtube it, and sometimes even email the blogger about it. Then I try to actually do it. Sometimes it takes days before I figure it out.

Determination my friends.

If there is something you want to do. Just do it.

Here is how I get my information in this age. It's awesome.

Google it. Read, read, read.

Then look it up on Youtube, watch,watch,watch.

Then email folks who are doing the same thing.

Then call Janet to show her so she can do the same thing. She will do it better of course, but that's OK. I am used to that.

OK gotta go milk the cows.

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