Monday, July 26, 2010

Cruise night at the Veggie Stand

Has anyone noticed that this cruise night thing is a huge hit this year?  Every where you look, there is a "cruise night" somewhere.

Tim had this idea on his way to work this morning.

"Annie, why don't you have a cruise night at your stand?"

"What cars would we use?"

"All the vehicles out behind the barn".

What a genius the man is.

I could pull out Dad's old truck, station wagon and all the other various vehicles that have come to die out in the back of the barn.


I could have the girls dress in 50's outfits and sell the veggies on rollerskates.

Tim could dress like Fonzie and I could sew an "L" on my t-shirt and chew gum like Laverne.

Oh yeah, how about a vintage Dodge minivan?


I will have the sign up sheets available soon.

Stay tuned.

Talk later,


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