Friday, July 9, 2010

So "Freegan" Far ahead

OK, so Janet and I are talking about my clothes the other day and I called them "vintage".

"Anne, your clothes are "retro", not vintage."


"Anne, you have to use the proper terms when you are talking about things".


There are things I have been doing, things I have been wearing, things I have been sewing my whole life and I have noticed that whatever I do or wear, it is never in vogue.

Until now.

Little did I know, I was just far ahead of everyone else.

Let me explain.

I have been cutting apart old crap to make new crap ever since I was a kid.  My mom certainly wasn't going to buy me new fabric to sew on so I would take apart stuff I would find in these bags of clothes that mom would bring home from work.  You know, those bags of stuff moms bring home from work full of clothes no one wants.

Curtains, sheets and skirts have tons of free fabric to play around with.  Everyone thought I was some sort of sewing freak.

Until now.

OK, the new term is "re-con" or reconstruction.  It's a big thing now to take apart old crap and make it into new crap.  I am so far ahead of them it's not funny.  I have made bikinis out of curtains, bookbags out of sheets, skirts out of sweaters and T-shirts for years.  The only difference now is they have figured out a way to actually make this stuff into things people would wear out in public.

"Retro" refers to all the clothes in my closet.

All of them.

"Vintage" refers to anything I like but can't afford.

And then there is "Freegan".

This is a new term I heard for the first time yesterday.  It is this  new movement of Anti-consumerism.  You are suppose to dig in the trash for your clothes, furniture, and even food.  You are supposed to get rid of your car.

Well, I guess they have finally found a label for me.

I never leave a junk pile unturned. You can ask any member of my family or friends.  They hate it.  To them it's embarrassing, to me it's like a treasure hunt. I haven't been to a mall in probably 20 years or more.

Why bother? Let someone else pay the big bucks for crap , wait a while and buy it at their yard sale or pick it out of their garbage the next year.  Or let your mom bring it home from work in one of those "mom" bags.

You are supposed to get rid of  your car.  This one I have a problem with.  If you live in the middle of nowhere like I have for the past 20 years, this is impossible, but I can tell you I have gone for long periods of time with "no car".

Last but not least you are supposed to eat out of the dumpster.  This one I have a problem with, but when I was a waitress, I used to bring home boatloads of food that they were going to toss into the dumpster.  I would freeze it for the week.  People thought I was nuts.

Until now.

You see, I am so far ahead of things it's not even funny.

Have a "Freegan" great day.

Talk later,


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