Monday, July 26, 2010

Ron White around the bon fire

OK, so we need some entertainment at Weedcation.  

Yeah, sure we could sing Kumbaya around the campfire, but who the hell would want to do that?

We need someone to draw in the campers.

I thought about this all day while weeding the garden.

Then it came to me like a vision "RON WHITE!!"
Why didn't I think of this earlier?

I called him this afternoon and he said he could pencil me in sometime around late August.  We have plenty of Cigarettes and I am sure it wouldn't be a problem to find the liquor store in town, I will just ask my under age children.

This is the big one.  This is the idea that will put me over the edge.

Gotta go, comedy central is on.

Talk later,


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