Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Chicki Licks

I just love this picture of the Dixie Chicks. At Fosses auction barn this picture used to hang in the office.
One day I was there bringing in some calves and one of the guys yells over "Hey there's Annie let's see if she can DO IT!!"

"Do what?" I said.

Hold a calf like that Dixie Chicks lady on that thar poster. "My brother in law probably had a 20 dollar bet on the whole thing cause he knows it would not be a big deal for me to do this. I grabbed a calf, tried to look like a gorgeous "Dixie Chick", put the calf down, and walked away.

"Told ya she could do it" I heard.

"Yeah, that's not fair you picked, Annie, "

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