Thursday, October 15, 2009

My coveralls

Yesterday it was cold, I mean really cold. Here in Ashville it is at least a million degrees colder than any other part of the state.

I work outside obviously all day so i wear outside clothes. I have a pair of green coveralls i wear. They are lined and very warm, I think they are from Mr. Greenjean's estate sale. If you don't know who Mr. Greenjeans is, you won't ever understand this blog so you might as well go watch Kate with 8 right now.

I couldn't find them yesterday. I pack them away very carefully every year so I can find them, you know I pack them away "Annie" style. I throw them somewhere and hope like hell i can find them next year.

After about a half an hour of looking for these precious beauties i finally asked my kids. "Hey you guys, has anyone seen my coveralls?"

"Yeah Ma, don't you remember we needed something to use for the stuffed scarecrow we made last week, we used those old ugly coveralls, worked great, they are out on the lawn stuffed with old rotten hay".

I hung my head down, walked out , shook the hay out of my coveralls and threw them in the washer.

I had visions of what i must look like. "Scarecrow?" like the Wizard of Oz for God's sake? Do I look like that?

Maybe more like Mr Greenjeans in a Scarecrow contest?

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