Sunday, October 18, 2009

Orange Juice

Hello everyone, I am back!!!

I am learning alot about computers these days.

Rule number 1: Don't let your kids drink orange juice around your computer. My 4 year old had a meltdown 2 days ago and dumped orange juice on my keyboard. This, my friends immediately ruins your keyboard just for future reference. Now I have a big sign hanging above the computer that reads "No food or drinks around the computer or I will kill you."

Maybe that's too harsh? Nah I will leave it up there for a couple of days to get my point across.

I got a wonderful email from a friend who said I could put the keyboard in the dishwasher, (if only the freaking dishwasher worked).


Ok I got calls like this one "Walmart sells them for only 10 bucks, they're cheap!"

Awesome, if I only had ten bucks.

I had to pick up my daughter from girl scouts yesterday and on the way home I saw a sign that read "Rummage Sale today, bag sale at noon". For those of you who don't know what in the hell that means, churches have rummage sales to raise money and people donate all their old crap that they have bought from other rummage sales and never used and donate it back to another church.

I can't pass up a good bag sale, I mean NEVER, so I whipped in. For a dollar you can fill up a whole bag with crap you will never use.

I bought 3 bags and let the girls fill them up with toys and shiny girl things. I thought to myself "just maybe they will have a keyboard."

We "Rummaged" for about a half an hour finding all sorts of crap we don't need and probably will never use and headed toward the door.

"Glad to see you found some useful stuff", the little old lady said to me. She was sitting next to a little old man, these sales are usually run by little old ladies who love to give away stuff.

"Yeah thanks, I got some great stuff, I was looking for a keyboard for my computer , but I see you don't have one, that's o.k. we had fun anyway".

"Did you say Keyboard". says the little old man turning up his miracle ear hearing aid.

"yeah, mine got in a fight with orange juice".

"Hang on missy, the church computer died about a year ago, and i saved the keyboard and the little mousey thing, you can have them if you want, I will even carry out all that stuff you just bought here if you just TAKE them.

""Oh, I can't believe you , have one, thanks so much , how much do you want for it? I replied.

"Not a darn penny missy, I am just happy to see it getting used."
"Maybe you could try to go to church tomarrow that's all I ask.


"O.k., it's a deal".

He helped me load up out loot and we were off.

Today is Sunday and yes, I am gonna go to church with the kids, won't kill me I guess. I actually like, it I just get too busy for it sometimes.

I think sometimes little things like that happen to you to remind you to slow down and just go to church, you won't die from it, although sometimes I get a little concerned about the darn place getting hit a lightening when i walk in there.

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